Exclusive Titles


Suggested Retail Price : $238
Current Price : $238 HKD
Status: Sold Out
Barcode: 4580694044765
Suggested Retail Price : $238
Current Price : $238 HKD
Status: Available
Barcode: 4580694044758

Publisher : Game Source Entertainment
Developer : LocalThunk
Genre : PZG
Player (Online): N/A
Player (Offline): 1
Subtitles : 繁體中文/簡體中文/日本語/English
Voice : English
Rating : CERO:A

Release date: 2024-10-24

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Pre-order bonus:
> Balatro Cards (Set of 10)

Let's Start a Definitive Poker Roguelike Experience!
Balatro is a poker-inspired roguelike deck builder all about creating powerful synergies and winning big. In this hypnotically satisfying deckbuilder, you will play as illegal poker hands, discover game-changing jokers, and trigger adrenaline-pumping, outrageous combos.

Easy to learn, difficult to master, unlocking the Endless possibilities!
Combine valid poker hands with unique Joker cards in order to create varied synergies and builds. Earn enough chips to beat devious blinds, all while uncovering hidden bonus hands and decks as you progress. You’re going to need every edge you can get in order to reach the boss blind, beat the final ante and secure victory.

Shuffle the Deck and Break the Game!
Deftly deploy an array of potent tools: different Decks, Jokers, Tarot cards, Planet cards, Spectral cards, and Vouchers. Use these versatile instruments to ignite a combo frenzy and turbocharge your poker hands, crafting electrifying, adrenaline-fueled synergies.
150 Jokers, each with their own unique abilities
15 Decks with distinct modifiers to choose from for each run
5 potential variants of each Joker which add further abilities
22 Tarot cards variants that can enhance your regular playing cards
11 Planet cards that help level up your possible poker hands
32 Voucher cards to help provide permanent buffs for your current run

Find Your Flow!
Immerse yourself in Balatro’s distinctive psychedelic world. Let the synthwave soundtrack wash over you - wind down, escape the daily grind and prepare to enter the ultimate roguelike flow state. You can also immerse yourself in the CRT fuzz and enjoy detailed, hand-crafted pixel art!

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